Regulatory Affairs Update: Indonesia

Indonesia: Appeal for Filling in Pharmacy and Medical Device Dictionary Data (KFA: Kamus Farmasi dan Alat Kesehatan)

On July 26, 2024, the Indonesia Ministry of Health (MoH) issued a letter numbered FR.01.01/E.V/1652/2024 regarding the Appeal for Filling in Pharmacy and Medical Device Dictionary Data (KFA).

The Satu Sehat Logistik Platform (National Digital Inventory) is a platform for stock monitoring national drugs and Medical Consumable (BMHP: Barang Medis Habis Pakai) as well as tracking transactions and distribution of drugs and BMHP per region/location. The platform will capture distribution data from provinces to health facilities through the Integrated Immunization and Logistics Monitoring System (SMILE: Sistem Monitoring Imunisasi dan Logistik secara Elektronik).  To support this, medical device industry companies whose products are included in the list of types of priority medical products for the SMILE program are encouraged to fill in product data on medical device variants in the Pharmacy and Medical Device Dictionary  (KFA) through the link shared in the letter.

The local companies can follow the procedures for filing in variant product data in the KFA system which can be seen in the link.

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