Indonesia: Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP: Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah) issued an Announcement Letter about Brand Integration in e-Catalogue

On September 26, 2023, Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP: Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah) issued an Announcement Letter No. 26335/D.2.3/09/2023 pertaining Brand Integration in e-Catalogue with Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI: Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual) Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.

The highlights of the announcement are as follows:

  1. License Holder who will list their products in the e-Catalogue application shall ensure that the brand name is already registered with the DJKI of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Products with brand names that are not registered with the DJKI will be tagged as “TANPA MEREK [NAMA PRODUK]” or “WITHOUT BRAD [PRODUCT NAME]”.
  2. For products that have been tagged as “TANPA MEREK [NAMA PRODUK]”, the license holder can still update the brand in the e-catalogue system provided that the brand is already registered in the DJKI.
  3. Brand update by e-Catalogue License Holder can only be done 1 (one) time for each product that appears in the e-Catalogue.

For domestic companies, registration for the local brand can be directly applied to DJKI by the company itself. For foreign companies, registration of the brand shall be assisted by a local trademark consultant that is accredited by the DJKI.

Further information on the announcement can be accessed here.

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