Regulatory Affairs Update: Indonesia

Indonesia: Issuance of Regulation governing the Certification of Telecommunication Devices and/or Telecommunication Equipment

The Minister of Communications and Informatics in Indonesia issued regulation No. 3 of 2024 concerning Telecommunication Device and/or Telecommunication Equipment Certification. This regulation consists of 62 articles that describe and regulate the requirements applied in the certification process of telecommunication devices and/or equipment. As stated, any telecommunication device and/or equipment manufactured, assembled, or imported for trade and/or used in the territory of Indonesia is required to comply with Technical Standards proven by Telecom License.

Highlighted updates from this regulation are as follows:

  1. A license for other devices and/or equipment with telecommunication features that use transmitting power below 10 mW can be valid for more than 1 (one) variant as long as the brand and type of other devices are the same.
  2. Amendment of license is only applicable for changes in the name and address of the license owner.
  3. A label of the telecommunication device and/or equipment that displays the license number and PLG ID, QR Code, and warning signs could be provided on the device and packaging of the product. Implementation of labels could be done in several ways, as follows:

a) embossed, debossed, or printed
b) pasted or glued; or
c) digital implementation

A certificate or license issued according to Regulation of the Minister of Communications and Informatics No. 16 Year 2018 is still valid as long as it does not contradict the provisions of the new regulation. Regulation No. 3 of 2024 will take effect 90 calendar days from the date of promulgation, which is 23 May 2024.

The regulation can be accessed here (in Bahasa Indonesia, no English translation available).

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