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Malaysia: MDA’s Medical Device Advertisement Application Transitions to Paperless Starting December 2023

On 8th November 2023, the Medical Device Authority of Malaysia (MDA) published an announcement related with medical device advertisement applications. Commencing December 1st, 2023, the medical device advertisement applications can only be submitted to the MDA via email at Any hard copies applications will not be processed by MDA. Processing fees shall be paid via bank draft or BayarNow. Cash and online payments will not be accepted as a method of payment for the advertisement submission process. The announcement by the MDA can be accessed here.

According to Evidence Act 1950 [Act 56], advertisement is defined as any statement, pictorial representation, or design intended to promote the use or supply of medical devices, whether directlyor indirectly, through any medium, including signage, images, or sound. The MDA has published the Guidance Documents No. MDA/GD/0032, entitled “Code of Advertisement”, and Guidelines Document No. MDA/GL/04, entitled “Application for Medical Device Advertisement Approval – Requirements” for advertising medical devices that require approval and do not require approval. The MDA has taken an initiative to summarize the process flow for an advertisement application of Advertisement of Medical Device. Read about the summary here. 

Should you have any inquiries regarding the announcement, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact our team at or simply click on the button provided below.

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