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Indonesia: e-Catalogue Opening Submission for Maintenance and Repair Services for Healthcare Facilities

On 20 July 2023, the Ministry of Health (MoH) Indonesia invited stakeholders to a Socialization of e-Catalogue Opening Submission for Maintenance and Repair Services for Healthcare Facilities via Zoom meeting.

Indonesia MoH Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services announced the opening submission for maintenance and repair services for Healthcare Facilities and share the requirements with all stakeholders who will join this submission. Maintenance and Repair Services are for Medical Devices, Laboratory Equipment, and Other Health Support Devices.

The MoH shares the requirements for the electronic catalog provider who can join this submission, including the technical requirements.

Providers are required to hold the following Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields (KBLI =Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia), as well as other additional requirements:

  1. KBLI Number 71208 (Testing and/or Calibration Activities for Medical Devices Inspection of Health Infrastructure Facilities);
  2. KBLI Number 33111 (Repair of Ready-to-Install Metal Products for Buildings, Tanks, Water Reservoirs, and Steam Generators);
  3. KBLI Number 33132 (Equipment Repair, Irradiation, Electromedical, and Electrotherapy);
  4. KBLI Number 33131 (Repair of Measuring Instruments, Test Equipment and Navigation Equipment and Controllers);
  5. KBLI Number 23124 (Glass Clinical Laboratory Equipment Industry);
  6. KBLI Number 46692 (Wholesale in Laboratory Equipment, Pharmaceutical Equipment, and Medical Devices for Animals);
  7. KBLI Number 23122 (Non-Clinical, Pharmaceutical and Health Laboratory Equipment Industry from Glass);
  8. KBLI Number 46691 (Wholesale in Laboratory Equipment, Pharmaceutical Devices, and Medical Devices for Humans);
  9. KBLI Number 47725 (Retail Trade of Laboratory Equipment, Pharmaceutical Devices, and Medical Devices for Humans);
  10. KBLI Number 33200 (Installation of Industrial Machinery and Equipment);
  11. KBLI 42203 (Construction of Civil Buildings Infrastructure and Facilities of Solid, Liquid, and Gas Waste Treatment Systems).
  12. ID Tax Number;
  13. Company deed and amendment (if any);
  14. Attach a price forming structure to each Product inputted in the Electronic Catalog Application

The Technical Requirements and Product Licensing are as follows:

  1. Submit and upload a list of experts implementing maintenance and/or repair of health service facility equipment;
  2. Upload expert training certificates;
  3. Submit and upload list of work equipment used in accordance with the product;
  4. For the Repair Services category, if the repair service provider is not the product owner, it is mandatory to have and submit a letter of approval/appointment (MoU) from the distributor of the product owner;
  5. For Maintenance Services, submit and upload a list of work specifications or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in accordance with the products;
  6. Statement Letter of Responsibility for Work Done.

The product listing price is the highest unit price and is possible for negotiations or mini-competitions to be carried out in the e-purchasing process. Prices and other supporting fees refer to the conditions stated in the announcement and are inclusive of reasonable profits and taxes. The accommodation fee is filled in using the reference template in the system.

The opening submission started on 20 July 2023 and ending on 31 December 2023 based on the announcement that was already shared in the e-Catalogue system, https://e-katalog.lkpp.go.id.

For further information on this draft, please refer to this link: reference document here

If you have any queries regarding the announcement, please get in touch or click the button below.

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